Stage Appeal 2022
A message from our Chairman, Ron Ribolla:
"I have wonderful memories of (and an ever increasing affection for) Raynes Park School which I entered in 1958, but I have one regret: after completing my A levels and getting into the university of my choice, I did not return to thank the school for the huge part they played in guiding me towards my future career in pharmacy. On retirement that regret still haunted me; would it be too late to do something? My response was to try and find a way to support the school by whatever means possible.
So, free of all professional distractions, I address you now as Chairman of RPFPS, elected at the same time as Kirsten Heard was appointed as our first ever female headteacher. To her immense credit, she quickly set about reversing her predecessor’s attempts to wipe out the history of the school. For example the honours and achievement boards have now been restored and the school song is proudly taught once more to all pupils. There is still more to do and, fellow members, this is where we can play our part and help the school to achieve its aim of reinstating a permanent stage in the hall as part of a broader ambition to upgrade all the spaces used by the drama, music and dance departments, the benefits of which are clearly laid out in the attachment.
In the past the society has supported the school in many ways – library software, contributions to major developments eg the Astroturf and the new sportsground and grants for individual needy students to pursue their dreams. All of us are aware of and very grateful for the work of Graham and Bob Francis, Jim Wearn, Jack Hamilton, Peter Nicholls and others who kept the RPFPS going over many years when numerous similar organisations folded. I am always mindful of their input whenever I receive letters of thanks for “keeping the RPFPS alive”.
I make no apology for admitting that this is a personal plea from me for you to get behind this fundraising scheme. This is an opportunity for all of us to register our gratitude to the school which did so much to shape our respective futures and to have our name, house and time at Raynes Park etched into an oak tile in the hall where ‘once you were young …for you were at school here too’.
To put things in context, in excess of 100 former pupils regularly attend (and thoroughly enjoy the evening) at our Annual Reunion Dinners, the cost of which is ultimately considerably more than the price we are asking for your name (and house) on an oak brick: those that don’t attend invariably live literally hundreds of miles away…..WH Auden was right….circumstance has scattered us; however, through the marvels of technology, bank transfers can be accepted from anywhere on this earth!
So please, I am personally asking you……… support the school in its funding programme for this critical initial stage of the renewal of performing arts facilities.
With your help, we can do this !
My very sincere thanks.
Ron Ribolla
Raynes Park Former Pupils’ Society Chairman
Now please read the project details here and complete the donation form here