Welcome to the home of Raynes Park Former Pupils' Society (RPFPS).

Stage Appeal 2022
The latest project was a fund-raising effort which raised over £16,000 towards the provision of a permanent stage in the school hall. Here you can see the floor tiles that were sold to raise the funds.

Annual dinner 2025
Friday 3rd October 2025
and held at the school​
A Society for pupils who have attended Raynes Park High School both past and present. RPFPS is an independent society with a strong affiliation with the School. It was originally founded in the 1950s by a small group of ex-pupils keen to play rugby, cricket and hockey. Since then the Society has continued to enhance and enrich the traditions of the School. The Society maintains links with the School by sponsoring trophies and awards for outstanding sports boys/girls and has supported many school projects over the years.
The remaining active sporting connection is now the golf section but the annual dinner continues to provide a chance for ex-pupils to catch up with friends old and new.
There is no longer a payment for membership for a former pupil.
Why not join the Society and become part of the School’s rich history? The Society wouldn’t be anywhere without its former pupils and without new members joining, the Society will inevitably decline. So please take five minutes to have a look at the website and become a part of keeping the traditions of the Society alive.
To apply for membership, CLICK HERE to download the application form.
Whilst filling in this form, why not think about former friends and classmates and make contact with them, or those who have simply drifted off the radar with time but who could perhaps be encouraged to sign up to our 2025 Dinner, which as you all know will be our 75th Anniversary and coincides with the Raynes Park School’s 90th Birthday.
In view of this special occasion, we shall be holding the 2025 dinner at the school. Friday 3rd October 2025.
It was too problematic to change the date to an earlier date due to the school schedule.